
Project logo - Let's Play

Let play, sing and dance together: effective non-formal education for adults.

“Let play, sing and dance together: efficient non-formal education for adults” is a Grundtvig Learning Partnership project has been developed
(i) to increase adults’ learning positive awareness of the varied European cultural scene;
(ii) to explore common and differences in European ethnic, classical, jazz, rap and pop music compositions, songs and dances to develop sense and understanding of diversity and
(iii) to support practical cooperation activities between organizations working in the field of adult learning with the aim to establish contacts and share best practices and experience in LLP.


In project participated 5 partners from different countries:

  1. Spain – Fundació Catalunya Voluntària – www.catalunyavoluntaria.cat
  2. Netherlands – Stichting Digg’Out – www.diggout.nl
  3. Hungary – Egészségdokk Közhasznú Alapítvány
  4. Turkey – Hüyük Halk Eğitimi Merkezi – www.huyukhem.gov.tr
  5. Estonia –  Stuudio “JOY” – www.joy.ee

Target groups have been composed of different ages and backgrounds, with a special focus on unemployed, seniors, disabled and national minorities.
The implementation of this project has also help:
1)to learn new skills and methods from partners in teaching for adult learners;
2)to share music, songs and dances from partners’ countries;
3)to motivate learners and staff members to learn foreign languages;
4)to increase learners’ self confidence through project activities;
5)to foster the sense of European citizenship and value of its diversity.

There has been workshops and seminars about music, songs, dances and about adult education and intercultural dialogue in every partners’ country organised during the same months and also during mobilities foreseen in the project calendar.

The final products are project DVDs with videos of partners’ music, songs and dances performed in groups and also national music samples collected by adult learners for partners; project folder and logo; sets of project materials. DVDs and all other project materials have been disseminated in partners’ organisations, in local communities, partners’ countries and for wider audience using new media.

Here are the list of project results :

  • Every one can join to facebook group of the project: Let’s play project facebook group
  • Project folder – a project folder was elaborated by the Spanish partner that included description of the the project activities and partners’ organisations, project logo for partners and wider audience to promote project ideas.  The file could be downloaded from here: Project Folder.
  • National melodies of each country – Link
  • The promotion and dissemination strategy was developed by the Estonian partner and includes various means and methods to maximize the effectiveness of the project what directs it to a wide audience at each country. Link
  • The video materials of project workshops and mobilities are available here :

Overview of all mobilities:


Workshops during mobility in Estonia:

  • Project leaflet:

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